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Mental Toughness Group Coaching Program

​Mental skills and strategies that will build your athlete’s Mental Toughness

Your answer to helping your athlete play with confidence and up to their FULL POTENTIAL without self-doubt and fear of failure.

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Question for you:

What’s the biggest difference between confident basketball players and those who worry about their performance?

The Strength of the Player’s Mental Game!

We all know this game is 90% mental, yet we only practice the mental side of the game 10% of the time.

That doesn't make sense.

And it’s why your athlete goes home frustrated with their performance wishing they had more confidence or resilience.

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If you are a parent of an athlete who has:

  • Natural talent

  • The will to get better on the court

  • Works hard

  • Loves the game

  • Potential to be the key player on your team


​That’s great.  All those things have their place. But they are only part of the equation.

You may also be a parent who has an athlete that:

  • Is mentally inconsistent, struggling with performance anxiety, or easily frustrated during games or practices.

  • Has potential, but it is not being recognized because they don’t have the mental toughness to deal with adversity or pressure.

  • Doesn’t have the confidence and consistent elite performance it takes to win.

  • Allows the opinions of others to get to them.

  • Struggles with negative self-talk.

  • Doesn’t know how to control their emotions

  • Has bad body language and an attitude when things don’t go their way


Then your athlete would benefit from this exclusive Mental Toughness group coaching program.

Let me know if this sounds familiar... Your athlete:

  • Shows up to practice ready to go

  • Put in extra hours after practice working on your game

  • Is committed to do whatever it takes to win and play their best

But things aren’t really working out because they:

  • Don’t know how stay calm under pressure and slow the game down

  • Struggle to bounce back from a turnover, bad call, or poor performance

  • Psych themselves out before the game even starts and starts slow

  • Allow bad plays or calls to dictate how they play for the rest of the game

After all the time they have invested into being a great player, isn’t it time they started getting results on a consistent basis?
As an athlete, they deserve to be more confident in themselves and know how to handle the losses that (let’s be honest) you know they’ll face.
They deserve to know exactly how to use all the tools available to grow and develop into the elite athlete you and they know they can be.


Why Your Athlete Is Failing To Play Up To Their Full Potential

#1 - They focus only on the Physical Mechanics.

As an athlete, I know they are doing what they can, showing up to every practice, challenging themselves with new drills, working on their handles, practicing their jump shots and free throws.
They are even using the latest equipment to help their physical game.
They know they physically can’t do much more when it comes to working on their game, not in the amount of time that they have in their schedule.
But maybe that’s the problem. 
The game of basketball is 90% mental and your athlete is working on that part of the game less than 10% of the time. 
There is another whole aspect of training that if left untaught WILL keep your athlete’s potential locked up inside.
I see the benefits of intentional mental skills training in basketball every day and I’ve helped players just like your athlete to overcome the challenges they have so that they can get the results they want.
What your athlete need: Intentional mental skills training that is as much a part of your athlete’s player development program as their time in the gym and on the court.

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#2 - They think they are listening to their coaches and following all the best strategies. What’s left to do?

I know that your athlete shows up fully to practice sessions, strength training sessions, and in games. They aren’t winging it. And they are showing up in full force (most of the time.)
They know what they’re after and everything they do is focused on that goal. They talk about it every day because it’s what they’ve always wanted. 
The “W.”
No one is confused about what your athlete is working towards.
But, that’s the problem.
They are too focused on the outcome and not focused on the actual tools and strategies that can help them get there.
What your athlete need: A detailed process that regardless of the competition, on the hard days, frustrating days or the exciting days, they know what needs to be done and they’re confident in doing it.

The good news is, training the mental game, the mindset, routines and habits they need to increase their confidence is possible.
If you’ve made it this far, you already sense that adding mental performance training to your athlete’s day is crucial for their success.
But what you might not know is that mental skills training will also empower your athlete to:

  • Stay committed when things get hard, and they feel like giving up

  • Create unshakable focus and confidence so they can perform consistently under pressure

  • Master self-awareness to recognize challenges before they happen and develop the self-regulation to get back on track

  • Identify the routines and habits in their life that they must start, stop and continue to achieve success 

In other words… mental skills training makes their life easier.
Learning these skills will help make your athlete an elite player.  These outcomes are possible for your athlete, but they depend on their ability to work the mental game using the drills that build these skills to become mentally tough in life.


My Mental Toughness Group Coaching Program has been the secret weapon for my own success as a Mental Toughness Coach and the success of the countless high school and college athletes I’ve worked with.


Meet Your Coach

Hi, I’m Gladine Frasso, basketball’s most sought after Mental Toughness coach for basketball players…


When I’m not in the gym doing High Intensity Interval Training, spending quality time with my husband and kids, I am the Mental Toughness Coach for Foundation Academy Sports - Owned by Professional (WNBA and Overseas) Skills and Development Coach David Anderson, the Mental Toughness Coach for the TOP basketball recruiting program Get Me Recruited.


I am also hosting my rising Podcast I Am Mentally Tough Podcast with guests like 3X NBA All Star Gilbert Arenas, Naismith Hall of Famer and former University of North Carolina Women's Basketball Coach Sylvia Hatchell, and Assistant Coach for Louisville Women's Basketball, Shay Robinson.
And I’ve done this all without adding another weight or training session to your schedule.  Meaning you get to enjoy building a winning mindset, gaining confidence, building routines and habits without having to add hours of more time on the court and in the gym. Time that you probably can’t fit into your already overwhelmed schedule.

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My Story:

I understand how important it is to be mentally tough.

I dealt with the pressure of the student-athlete life for 8 years before I played semi-pro basketball.
In high school, I scored 1796 points (graduated as the all-time leading scorer), made the All-State 2nd Team, and County Player of the Year.
I was recruited by several colleges including Hofstra, Bucknell, and St. Bonaventure. But I decided to play close to home at Millersville University where, again, I was a 1000+ point scorer (1,011 to be exact).
I was a nearly 2000-points-scorer which sounds great …
But I was also the player who lost her confidence.
It cost me my Freshman Year in college where I sat on the bench.
20+ games. On the bench. And it had nothing to do with my physical game.
Now, I teach players like your athlete how to build unshakeable confidence and own it.
Because confidence is your responsibility to build and maintain.
What chips away at confidence?
Negative self-talk
Fear of failure
High expectations - pressure
Walking on eggshells because of a coach
That’s what can chip away at confidence.
That’s what happened to me.
I want to teach your athlete how to avoid it happening to them.


You see, I designed this Mental Toughness Group Coaching and mentorship program specifically for athletes who are serious about accomplishing their goals.

  1. Because this is the course I wish I had when I was in high school. Yes, I played for Millersville University. But I also felt very unprepared for that level of competition coming from the high school program that did not teach me the mental game.

  2. Because almost all the players I coach from elite High School players to college athletes start working with me and immediately say, “No one ever told me this when I was younger.” or “How did I get this far without knowing this?”

  3. Because I’ve been a high school coach for 5 years before and know from personal experience the impact and influence your athlete coaches and teammates have on their life. Wouldn’t a Mental Toughness Coach be a great addition?

Having been in your athelete's shoes, I have grown passionate about bringing all my knowledge to you and your athlete.



Players just like your athlete learned the mental game and now can’t imagine their athletic career without it.


Here is what athlete who went through my program had to say:

“I really liked this coaching because it helped me become more mentally aware of myself and my actions. One of the things I really liked was the way each lesson was set up and how many different topics were covered without going too fast or too slow. Overall I think this experience has impacted me in a very positive way. I liked the style of teaching and the way the information was presented, I also liked learning about the controllables and uncontrollables"
- Josh N.
“It was very good, I liked the help that Coach G gave me with my mental game. It has really helped me a lot. She is very involved and keeps me focused. I learned about confidence, how to stay focused in the moment, how to stay calm, how to come back from a bad first half or first performance"
- Eli W.
“I had a great time and it didn't necessarily always feel like I was forced to learn anything and Coach G. made it more fun and enjoyable.  I loved her energy, confidence, and personality. I learned how to not let people or bad shots get in my head, I also enjoyed working with Coach G!!"
- Stella S.

"My daughter started with Coach Gladine years go because we saw in her that mental block that some athletes hit at a young age.


When working through that sometimes parents aren’t always the best resources and we acknowledge that.


When we started working with Coach G, she identified areas which needed to be addressed with my daughter and she started working with her breaking each part down.


When saying trust the process is real, it’s real. There were many bumps along the way and areas that needed focus and she helped her through these on a weekly basis until she felt more confident.


These young athletes (and parents) need to take care of their mental and talk through some things. Coach Gladine has really helped her and I work through things and provide tools for help us navigate better."


- Mona S.

"I have had the pleasure of working with Coach G for the past few years.


She worked with my son and she also was helpful to me. She is very knowledgeable and truly cares about people and I would highly recommend her!


I believe if one is willing to put in the work there is a 100% chance of success working with Coach G.


She also took time to work with me to help process some old mental programming that I had which was affecting me negatively in the present.


And after speaking with her, I have much more mental clarity and peace."


- William N. (parent)

"The presentation was thought provoking. Coach G gave some helpful tips to help me on how I can interact with my child regarding mental performance.


I completely agree with the information regarding what are the tangible things you can control.


As an athlete play in the moment. Coach G. made me feel motivated to ensure my role as a parent is a positive experience for my child’s mental performance."


- Nikki S. (Parent)

"My senior year in high school I felt like I was at a low spot and felt like I didn’t want to play the game of basketball anymore. I was putting in a lot of hard work every day even on my off days I was working to make myself a better player, and I wasn’t getting the playing time I deserved. At that point I really didn’t care to play I started to break down mentally to a point I started to get into my own head over thinking little things such as making a layup.


My high school coach decided to get me a mental game coach which was coach G. She helped me understand that hard work will pay off I just needed to keep working hard and that I should never go in a game with a negative thought on my mind of what happened last game.


Coach G still until this day help me through college. I remember my freshman year I was having a rough time splitting with my twin because we went to different colleges, and how I my teammates were treating me, it started to affect me mentally and I started back over with missing layups, overthinking, thinking that I had to do everything right and still thinking about the last game.


But Coach G helped me through that rough time also and now I have ways to calm myself down and that not everything I do is going to be perfect or right, and to let go of the last game because dwelling on to the past is not going to help me in the future. I’m doing great now I’m a starter for Coastal Carolina and getting great playing time, I still have my moments when basketball gets hard but Coach G is always a phone call away to help me through it."


- Janae C., Basketball Player || Coastal Carolina College (Conway, SC)

"Our high school team was very talented but very flawed. They didn’t know how to play together. There were some players who were very talented but didn’t trust their teammates and we had some who didn’t know how to share the ball as they should.


Each loss that we received was not because a team was that much better than us, we were just beating up ourselves and not fully listening to the coaches who were there to guide them.


Gladine came down and spoke to our girls. She was able to build their confidence, show ways as to why/how they should trust each other and gave positive examples as to what it meant to be teammates/sisters.


Each game our players began to play as one unit rather than individuals and they also became closer.


That same group of girls who were 5-15 one season went 19-5 the season after."


- Ashley G. Former Assistant Coach || Reading HS (Reading, PA)

"I had the ideas and motivation for my career but lacked a sense of direction. Gladine has helped get me on the right path by working with me step by step to not only set short and long term goals for myself but to achieve them.


Another thing we worked on was my call to action, many times I have these ideas and things that needed to be done but I was simply letting the opportunity slip through my hands just off of the fact I wasn't going the extra mile, that’s when we came up with the slogan “Go above and beyond” this helped remind me to complete everyday task and realize that in order for me to reach my long term goals I have to handle the small term/everyday goals"


- Nathaniel S., Music Artist || (Leesport, PA)

"My son was in need of improving his basketball skills. Having Gladine St. Julien work with him has been a great experience.


She is professional, knowledgeable and provides organized quality instruction at an affordable fee. She always encouraged personal feedback to ensure my son was getting what he needed at each lesson.


Besides giving lessons, she has helped my son in improving his personal confidence in his abilities and about being assertive. We were disappointed to find out she was moving her program out of the state. We wish our son could have worked with her more. We are not sure how we can replace her!!


We wish her all the best and are confident she will do well!"


- Rose, mother of Issac H. || Schuylkill Valley Highschool. (Leesport, PA)

"My daughter, Gina, began working with Gladine St. Julien because she needed to improve offensively and become more competitive going into middle school.


Gladine was the answer for us! Gladine provided individual workouts tailored to Gina's specific needs. Per my request, Gladine focused on shooting, ball handling and offensive moves.


Each workout was intense and fun. My daughter looked forward to each session, and her skills continued to develop. As she improved technically, she gained confidence and began to transform into a true competitor.


My daughter and I were both very pleased with the results. Gladine is a fantastic coach, and we will miss working out with her."


- Melissa P. mother of Gina F. || Governor Miflin HS (Muhlenburg,PA)

"When I was in 12th grade I felt like giving up. I didn’t want to play basketball anymore and I felt like everything I did playing basketball wasn’t going my way.


I was going through a rough time mentally.


Then I met Coach G. she helped get through my thoughts and still is helping me get through college.


Thanks you so much Coach G"


- Janeen C., Basketball Player || Coastal Carolina College (Conway, SC)

"I have learned how to focus and think about the present and how to bounce back from mistakes.


A loss is a loss, it happens to everyone. Just take it in and learn what you can do better next game."


- Deron M. (Athlete)

"Coach G opened my eyes to see different perspectives of ways to be mentally tough and how my athlete can benefit from it.


She made me feel like my athlete will learn a lot from her sessions and grow as a teammate. She’s real and I enjoyed my session with her!"


- Brianna M. (Parent)

"I enjoyed each session. How you broke things down to the boys and myself as a coach was great.


I always try to refer back to the sessions while I’m coaching.


To connect with the boys and to also make sure I am staying palms down."


- Jayce B.

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I am excited to offer you:

The I Am Mentally Tough: Mental Toughness Group Coaching Program

It is the first all-inclusive mental skills program fully designed to train athletes in how to master the mental game of basketball.
It’s designed for athletes who know they have talent, are committed to the work it takes to be champions and are looking to reach the next level of success.


How do we accomplish this?

8 one-hour virtual training sessions over 8 weeks - Yes, it’s from the comfort of your own home. No, it’s not like any zoom class you’ve ever attended. None of the dry and boring lectures where people sign in, turn off their cameras and then check out.
Instead, your athlete will get FULL engagement, breakdowns and walkthroughs of how your athlete can grow mentally tough. 
Meaning, from the comfort of your home they’ll learn what it takes to compete at the next level and how the athletes perform with unshakable confidence.
ONE unforgettable experience that will change your athlete, forever. The players I work with, teaching them these same pillars, are never the same when we finish, they are always more equipped for championship basketball.


Let’s take a look inside the program and what you’ll learn:

Week 1: Resilience - Bounce Back Stronger

Has your athlete ever felt crushed after a missed shot or bad play?

This week, we’re tackling resilience head-on. Mistakes happen, but champions know how to bounce back and refocus.

What if every setback became a setup for a stronger comeback? Here’s how they’ll make that shift:


  • The bounce-back routine – Their go-to for recovering from a tough game or practice.

  • Shifting your perspective on mistakes – View every error as a step forward.

  • Recognizing personal triggers for frustration – Know what throws them off and how to handle it.

  • Techniques to stay calm when things don’t go their way – Stay level-headed no matter what.

  • How to turn failure into motivation – Make every setback fuel their fire.

Week 2: Goal Setting - Setting Up for Success

Big dreams are awesome. But do they have a game plan?


This week, we’re turning dreams into action by setting powerful, achievable goals.


Imagine your athlete heading into every game with a clear sense of purpose, knowing exactly what they’re working towards. Here’s how we’ll make it happen:


  • Breaking down their big dreams into steps – No more overwhelm, just action.

  • The art of setting "one possession at a time" goals – Stay present and focused.

  • Tracking their progress like a pro – Know how close they are to reaching those goals.

  • Using goals to stay motivated through the season – Keep their eyes on the prize.

  • Creating a game-day visualization – See it, believe it, achieve it.

Week 3: Confidence - Building Your Foundation for Success

"Play with confidence!" they say... but how?


This week, we’re diving into the core of what makes an athlete unstoppable: confidence.


Imagine your athlete going into every game knowing they have what it takes. Imagine them letting go of self-doubt and truly believing in their skills.


What most athletes get wrong is not knowing where confidence comes from.

It’s not something you have or don’t have, get or don’t get.


It’s something you build, strengthen and maintain. Everyday.


And you need tools to do that.


This week, I’ll walk your athlete through:

  • Proven confidence-boosting exercises – Stop second-guessing, start believing!

  • How to own their unique strengths – Learn to harness what makes them stand out on the court.

  • Techniques to silence self-doubt – No more letting inner voices sabotage their game.

  • Building a pre-game confidence routine – Prepare their mind before every tip-off.

  • How to take control of their self-talk – Because the way they talk to themselves matters.

Week 4: Emotional Control – Keeping Their Cool When It Counts

"Keep your cool!" But... how?


This week is all about mastering emotional control so that pressure situations don’t knock your athlete off their game.


Imagine your athlete staying calm and focused in the heat of the moment, ready to make the big play when it counts.


Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • How to stay cool under pressure – Deep breathing, visualization, and other pro tools.

  • Recognizing when emotions are taking over – Don’t let frustration ruin their focus.

  • Strategies to replace negative emotions with focus – From angry to laser-focused.

  • Tools to manage game-day nerves – Feel the excitement, not the anxiety.

  • Creating an emotional reset routine – Quickly regain control during high-stress moments.

Week 5: Winning Habits - Create a Routine for Success

Champions are made in the routine. What does your athlete’s look like?

This week, it’s all about developing habits that build consistency, focus, and success on and off the court.

Imagine your athlete having a daily routine that keeps them on track, ready to perform at their best every time.


Here’s what they’ll learn:

  • The habits of elite athletes: Adopt routines that set them up for greatness.

  • Creating consistency in their practice and play: Perform at their best, day in and day out.

  • Replacing bad habits with winning ones: Cut out what’s holding them back.

  • Building a mindset for continuous improvement: Never settle, always grow.

  • Creating a routine that reinforces discipline: Stick with what works, every day.

Week 6: Game-Time Routines - Ready, Set, Go!

"Prepare for greatness" – but how?


This week, we’re building rock-solid pre-game and post-game routines so that your athlete can enter every game ready to shine and leave knowing they gave it their all.


Imagine walking into every game feeling prepared and confident.


Here’s how we’ll make that happen:

  • Crafting a pre-game routine that gets your athlete in the zone – Get focused, get fired up!

  • Creating a post-game reflection process – Celebrate wins, learn from losses.

  • Managing nerves with visualization techniques – Calm those butterflies.

  • Developing a ritual to keep their head in the game – Their go-to for staying on point.

  • Recovering right to prepare for the next game – Bounce back better and faster.

Week 7: Leadership - Become the Player Others Look Up To

Want to lead their team to victory? Here’s how.


This week, we’re turning your athlete into the player that everyone respects and follows. Leadership isn’t just for captains; it’s for anyone who wants to make an impact.


Imagine your athlete being the one teammates rely on.


Here’s how they’ll step up:

  • Building respect through their actions and attitude – Let their game do the talking.

  • The power of positive communication – Keep their team focused and uplifted.

  • Leading by example on and off the court – Set the standard, be the standard.

  • Resolving team conflicts like a pro – Handle tough situations with grace.

  • Developing a mindset that inspires others – Be the rock their team needs.

Week 8: Putting It All Together - The Blueprint for Mental Toughness

Ready to unleash the new, unstoppable athlete?


In our final week, we’ll put everything together.


Imagine your athlete heading into every game knowing they have all the tools they need to dominate.


Here’s how we’ll finish strong:

  • Creating their "Mental Toughness Blueprint" – A roadmap for lasting success.

  • Reinforcing the tools and strategies learned – Keep them fresh and accessible.

  • Setting new goals and refining routines – Keep evolving and improving.

  • Developing a commitment plan for ongoing growth – Their path to lasting greatness.

  • Knowing how to maintain mental toughness through every game – Be ready, every time.


Does your athlete need more mental toughness THIS SEASON?


I’ll share the secrets I’ve used to help players level-up their mental toughness for an IMMEDIATE impact.


Overwhelmed by big goals that seem unattainable? I’ll show them exactly how to break complex goals down into manageable, actionable steps they can take TODAY.


The format of this group coaching program course is laid out so that your athlete is taking ACTION every day and learning a very specific, powerful skillset they can apply immediately to improve their mental toughness on the court and in life.

The best part about my Group Coaching Program is that they not only get to learn from me, but also from the other coaches and players in the group.  I’ve found that the learning that happens in group coaching is just as beneficial as 1-1 coaching. 

You’re athlete will have tremendous opportunities over the next 8 weeks to see real, tangible, measurable IMPACT on your performance both on and off the court

Money Back Guarantee: 
If for whatever reason you don’t feel like this program is helping you build the mental performance skills needed to take your performance to the next level, simply send me an email to within the first 4 weeks and I’ll send back every dollar.


All I ask is that you show proof of you doing the work (attended session, completed worksheets, implemented the tools and strategies, participated in group discussion/activities, etc.).  


No risk just results.


My next group coaching program will run from November 10th – December 29th, 2024. All classes start by 6PM Eastern Time


Throughout my mental performance coaching career, the majority of my time has been dedicated to working in person with teams or individuals.


However, years ago the pandemic moved my coaching online and there has been some great benefits to the consistency that comes with being able to be in 20 different states in the same day by using Zoom.


Part of the challenge with one-on-one, in-person coaching has its limits:

  1. The kind of financial investment required simply isn’t feasible for many families and basketball programs and,

  2. As one person, the amount of people I can work with in a calendar year is extremely limited.


That’s why I knew the greatest potential for continued influence and impact in basketball was to create a sport specific mental toughness training for basketball group coaching and mentorship programs so that I could be more readily available to athletes who want to take their mental game to the next level.


The regular price for an individual wanting to work with me 1-1 is $135 an hour and for me to come to a college campus is $2,500 for parts of two days.  And I’m pretty much booked solid.


I’m excited that with this group coaching program you can get 8 weeks, 1 hour a week with me.


Cost Per athlete - $497 from now until November 8th then $597 November 9th. November 10 doors close and we start the Mental Toughness Group Coaching Program!


Are you a coach and want to register your whole team? - $997


No worries if your athlete can’t make a call. We record all of the calls and it will be available in the I Am Mentally Tough Group Coaching Portal within 24 hours after the call so that you can review the material, watch the recording and get the benefits even if you have a game that night or have something come up where you can’t be there in person.

Space is also limited to only 20 people! So once the spots are filled, I will not be letting anyone else in and the next time I will offer this exclusive Group Coaching will be in late 2025.

If you are ready for your athlete to master their mindset and take their game to the next level, you can reserve their space below.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

(Q): What if my athlete can’t make it to a call?
(A): No problem, we will record all of the calls and send them out to you via email so that your athlete has access to them.  We believe in the power of repetition and even if they are on the calls, they will want to review the call recording each week more than once so they can master the mental game system they will be learning.
(Q): Is Coach G live for every call?
Yes. This is a live coaching program. They’ll be able to ask questions in real time and I’ll be there to answer them for them.
(Q): My athlete is in the middle of their season right now. Will this help them now?  Should they join now?
There’s no time like the present. I have designed this program so that every week they can take actionable steps. I can’t guarantee they’ll see immediate results, mostly because mental toughness takes time to build and it depends if your athlete actually implements the tools and strategies. But I can guarantee that they will leave every call having learned something that no one ever told your athlete before. A lot of coaches don’t know how to coach the mental game. “Get your head in the game!” is said a lot. But no one tells them how. I will tell and teach them how.

(Q): What if I want more after the group coaching is over. Does Coach G. work one on one with clients?
ABSOLUTELY. I work one on one with athletes ranging from middle school to college. If your athlete wants to work with me one on one just send me an email and we can get the ball rolling (no pun intended).



Questions? Inquiries?

If you have additional questions that we did not cover here on this page, please submit them below and a member of my team will get back with you as soon as possible.

Thanks for contacting us! We'll get in touch with you shortly.

© 2024. All Righs Reserved. I Am Mentally Tough


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